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Explore the Top 5 International Golf Clubs with SkyLux Travel

HomeDestinationsExplore the Top 5 International Golf Clubs with SkyLux Travel

For golf enthusiasts, playing at the top golf clubs around the world is a thrilling experience. These clubs are renowned for their exceptional courses, stunning locations, and rich histories. At SkyLux Travel, we aim to make your luxury travel dreams a reality. Discover the top five international golf clubs that should be on every golfer’s bucket list and learn why these clubs are considered the best.

St Andrews Links (St Andrews, Scotland)

St Andrews Links, often referred to as the “Home of Golf,” holds a legendary status in the golfing world. The Old Course at St Andrews is the oldest and most iconic golf course globally, dating back to the 15th century. It has hosted The Open Championship more times than any other course. Golfers flock here to walk in the footsteps of golfing legends and experience the historic Swilcan Bridge and Hell Bunker. Furthermore, You can find all our business class flight deals to Edinburgh.


  • Historic significance and legendary status
  • Host of The Open Championship
  • Famous landmarks like Swilcan Bridge and Hell Bunker

Royal Melbourne Golf Club (Melbourne, Australia)

Royal Melbourne Golf Club is acclaimed for its outstanding design and challenging layout. The West Course, designed by Dr. Alister MacKenzie, is particularly renowned for its strategic brilliance and natural beauty. Royal Melbourne has hosted numerous prestigious tournaments, including the Presidents Cup. The combination of its fast, undulating greens and intricate bunkering makes it a favorite among top golfers. If this course is for you, find all the latest business class flight deals to Melbourne.


  • Masterful design by Dr. Alister MacKenzie
  • Prestigious tournament host, including the Presidents Cup
  • Strategic and visually stunning course layout

Royal County Down Golf Club (Newcastle, Northern Ireland)

Royal County Down Golf Club is celebrated for its breathtaking scenery and challenging links course. Located in the Murlough Nature Reserve, the course offers spectacular views of the Mourne Mountains and Dundrum Bay. The Championship Links course is known for its narrow fairways, tricky blind shots, and fast greens. Its combination of natural beauty and golfing challenge makes it a must-play destination. Therefore, be sure to check out our business class flight to Ireland.


  • Stunning location within Murlough Nature Reserve
  • Challenging links course with narrow fairways and blind shots
  • Frequent host of international championships

Cape Kidnappers Golf Club (Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand)

Cape Kidnappers Golf Club offers one of the world’s most visually stunning and unique golfing experiences. Designed by Tom Doak, the course is perched on dramatic cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The challenging layout, with its rolling fairways and strategic bunkering, demands precision and skill from golfers. The breathtaking coastal views and pristine conditions make Cape Kidnappers a top destination for golf enthusiasts. Here are our best business class flight deals to New Zealand


  • Dramatic Clifftop Location: Spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean from every hole.
  • Designed by Tom Doak: Renowned for creating visually striking and challenging courses.
  • Unique Golfing Experience: Combines challenging play with breathtaking scenery.

Sunningdale Golf Club (Sunningdale, England)

With its Old and New Courses, Sunningdale Golf Club offers one of England’s finest golfing experiences. The Old Course, designed by Willie Park Jr., and the New Course, designed by Harry Colt, feature immaculate fairways and greens set within beautiful heathland. Sunningdale’s combination of historical significance, exceptional course design, and picturesque setting solidifies its place among the top golf clubs in the world. So, take advantage of our business class flight to London!


  • Two world-class courses: Old Course and New Course
  • Immaculate fairways and greens in a beautiful heathland setting
  • Rich golfing history and exceptional design

Plan Your Dream Golf Trip with SkyLux Travel

SkyLux Travel is dedicated to helping you experience these top international golf clubs in luxury and comfort. With our expertise in finding the best travel deals, including cheap business class flights, we ensure your journey is as enjoyable as your destination. Here’s why you should choose SkyLux Travel:

Why Choose SkyLux Travel?

  • Expert Travel Advisors: Our team of experienced travel advisors will find the best deals and tailor your travel plans to your preferences.
  • Luxury and Comfort: Enjoy business class flights at unbeatable prices, ensuring a comfortable and relaxing journey.

Call 888-999-5524 to start planning your ultimate golf getaway today with SkyLux Travel. Then, get ready to embark on a golfing adventure at the world’s best international golf clubs. 

Happy golfing, and safe travels!

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